NB Where there is a link, I have endeavoured to take you, the linkee, to the submissions guidelines page of the publisher’s website where that is not possible I have linked to the main website page.īridge House Bridge House is a small press which specialises in themed anthologies of short stories, often for charity.
Check their website guidelines and submit away, but please do correct me if I’ve made any errors or incorrect assumptions. So in the spirit of writerly comradeship here is my current list of writer-friendly children’s fiction publishers in the UK who still accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Thankfully, there are still a few children’s book publishers who are happy to wade through the ‘slush pile’, that teetering tower of manuscripts we imagine fill up a corner of the office, each one representing an agent-less writer who is hoping against hope that they might be plucked from obscurity. You can’t get published without an agent, and you can’t get an agent without being published – or so the adage goes.